Children's Friendship Program (Social Skills)

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Clinic Overview

The UCLA Children’s Friendship Program, is an evidence-based, 12-week social skills program via Telehealth, that helps elementary school children who have trouble making or keeping friends learn new social skills through behavioral rehearsal and exposure.  Sessions are led by licensed clinical psychologists.

Your child is likely to benefit from the program if he or she:

  • Has no friends or few friends
  • Is bossy, controlling, or aggressive with other children
  • Is shy, reserved, or inattentive with other children
  • Has trouble sharing or resolving conflicts
  • Is ignored, rejected, or bullied by other children
  • Is rarely invited to birthday parties or play dates

During each small-group session, children learn a new skill and practice it with other group members. Children are given weekly assignments to help them apply the new skills in their daily lives. Meanwhile, parents learn how to support their children’s social development, coaching them as they practice their skills in the real world.

Your child will learn these skills:

  • Making a good first impression
  • Conversing with other children
  • Finding common interests with other children
  • Playing fairly and being gracious when winning or losing
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Handling rejection, teasing, and bullying
  • Joining other children at play
  • Being a good host on a playdate
  • Showing respect to other children and adults

Cost and Insurance

 We accept many types of insurance. Our programs are billed as outpatient group therapy sessions. Please call or email us for more information about insurance coverage and fees. 

Who We See

  • Children in 2nd through 5th grades and their parents/caregivers
  • First grade policy: 7 year old, 1st graders may be accepted into the program starting April of their 1st grade year*

 *One consistent parent is required to attend sessions with their child


Clinic Hours

Monday through Friday 12pm to 4pm

Children’s Friendship Group Classes

Parent Class – Tuesday evenings*
5:30pm to 6:45 pm (2nd and 3rd graders)
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (4th and 5th graders)
*One consistent parent is required to attend sessions with their child

Child Class – Wednesday evenings
5:30pm to 6:30pm (2nd and 3rd graders)
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (4th and 5th graders)

Duration of group

Each group (parent and child) meets once a week for 12 weeks via Telehealth.


To schedule an appointment, please fill out the application form and we will follow up with you.

Address: 760 Westwood Plaza, Room 27-384 Los Angeles, CA 90095

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 310-825-0142